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The Quadratus Femoris

· Healthcare,Medical Education,anatomy,Orthopaedics,Orthopedic Surgery
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The Quadratus Femoris muscle originates from the lateral margin of the ischial tuberosity. It inserts into the quadrate tubercle on the intertrochanteric crest between the greater and lesser trochanter. The quadratus femoris is one of the six external rotators of the hip. It also helps to adduct the thigh. The nerve from the sacral plexus is called the “nerve to quadratus femoris” (L5, S1). It supplies the Quadratus Femoris and the Inferior Gemellus muscles. The sciatic nerve crosses over the quadratus femoris muscle.

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The nerve to the quadratus femoris innervates two muscles:

  1. Inferior gemellus

  2. Quadratus Femoris

The medial femoral circumflex artery (MFCA) courses anterior to the superior edge of the quadratus muscle. The MFCA can be identified in the space between the quadratus femoris muscle (superior edge of the quadratus femoris muscle) and the inferior gemellus.

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The quadriceps femoris muscle detachment from the femur during the posterior approach to the hip may cause profuse bleeding. This bleeding most likely occurs from a branch of the Medial Femoral Circumflex Artery.